1) As per the promise made by the Perumal with Thayar's father MEdhAvi rishi, his daughter - Vanjulavalli thayar should be given importance in all aspects. Hence she proceeds first, even during utsavams. Normally in other divyadesams, thayar woudn't come out of the temple.
2) Eventhough, Garudan can move faster than the Anna vahanam, it goes beyond Annam due to its heavy weight since the weight of KalGarudan grows exponentially when moved away from Garbhagraham. This reveals that, when JeevAtma moves away from emprumAn, his/her pApam/puNyam (karma) will also grows which is a heavy burden to carry out, that ultimately leads to next birth (punarabhi Jananam). Hence with no way, surrender into HIS divine lotus feet!
Please see the next, and enjoy the anubhavam of being in KalGaruda Sevai.